Apr 29, 2007

Me and Billy on the Mountain

DUDES! The shoot was awesome today on the mountain. The views are spectacular. You have to watch Wednesday nights show. Donnie and I made some sweet snow angels.

Here are a few pics of our experience. Me and my baby. WHOO HOO!!!

Me and this dude that hiked 3,500 feet to the summit in 48 minutes, he's a beast and he's old. He was the coolest old dude. It was like 17 degrees and he had hiking shorts on. I couldn't get him to stop talking but he was really cool. He told me all about how this guy fell off the mountain and they searched and searched and searched (he said it 3 times) and never found him. It was really scary. He looks kinda like Billy Graham. DUDE, I THINK IT WAS BILLY GRAHAM. I didn't even get his autograph. Wow, Billy Graham is much stronger than I thought.

Richie and Donnie working. MAC ON THE MOUNTAIN!!!!APPLE RULES!

Me and my buddy Donnie. Watch the videos below. They are awesome.