San Diego Rocked My Socks!!!
Imagine perfect weather, that's super sweet San Diego. It was a killer weekend. The comedy show was off the chain. I got to work with the uber talented Clergy Comedy troupe consisting of Darin Sargent and Kelly Ventura ( It was nice. We got to hang out in SD downtown on the water, here's a clip.
The Student Leadership Conference was rockin. Response Resources is the company who sponsored the conference, their president Nate Rios is the coolest Mexican guy that I know (he doesn't even speak Spanish, I was bombing him for it). We had an incredible time and God did some really cool stuff in the lives of student leaders and youth ministers.
Okay, I'm convinced that God is just waiting on us to completely open our lives to Him so that He can step in. You know, I hear a lot of people say, "Well I'm just waiting on God to open the door and I'll walk through". DUDE you have to be knocking if you want God to open the door. Too many people are just standing around doing nothing. Let's start knocking, seeking, and asking and see what God will do with our persistence. It's time for this generation to throw caution to the wind and truly give our hearts to Christ. I believe that Jesus is so ready to revolutionize our world and He is ready to work through us. We are living in a culture change, let's influence it with the power of God and see what He's capable of.
Love you guys. God is awesome and He really really REALLY loves you. Don't ever forget it!!!!!!!