Happy Thanksgiving to all. Wow has this year moved at the blinding speed of a bullet train or what (nice description huh, thank you very much). I am in Branson, MO with my family right now and I have decided that this is the senior citizens capital of the world, it's like the Mecca of 65 years and older. It's not a bad thing, I'm just saying....I don't know what I'm saying...just scratch that part.
We are having a blast. We went to Silver Dollar City last night and watched all of the cool Christmas lights and we had a ball. Other than the fact that it was 35 degrees it was awesome.
Okay, here's my Thanksgiving spiel: Don't you hate it when you hold the door for someone and they just blow right past you and keep on talking to their friends. You know what I've always wanted to do? I have this unquenchable urge to stick my foot out and trip them and watch them fall flat on their face and then I would be like, "Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't see my foot, are you okay?" But I just refrain and steam slowly as they brush by my generosity. Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but we do hate it when people are ungrateful. This Thanksgiving make sure that you tell the people who mean the most to you, that....they mean the most to you. It really is that simple. Here's my list.
This year I'm thankful for
1. My God - He knows I couldn't make it without Him, He just needs to hear me say it.
2. My family - I am blessed beyond measure. I have the three most beautiful women in the world in my life.
3. My ministry - God has blessed me to be able to travel and help other people. It's awesome.
4. Great friends - You know who you are. Thanks for everything!!!
Make a list this year and write it down, then send it out to the people that need to see it. Nothing makes a person feel better than someone saying thanks. So, Thank you for being a friend. I'm praying for you and yours and I hope you have an awesome holiday season.
Me and the girls onstage at "Scrooge" in Silver Dollar City
Jese with an actress
Jayden and Mommy onstage
A little video from me and the girls
Jeremy Foster