Sep 28, 2009

Meatloaf and Michael Bolton

Do you remember that Meatloaf tune where he growled about Objects In The Rear View Mirror? I don't think I ever actually listened to the song just him screaming the lyrics like Michael Bolton with a severe case of strep throat. Well tonight I think I got the gist of the tune for the very first time. Through all of his guttural howling I was able to decipher a lyric for the first time in my 32 years;

"...And if life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car
And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are..."

Through all of the sweaty growling, the lyric got me. It's true. Our past experiences often appear so much closer and looming than what they actually are. Bad decisions, broken relationships, high-school mistakes, lost love, and the list could continue. We base many of our present decisions on past failures; mistakes that we've owned and derived our identity from.

Why do we allow the mistakes of yesterday to dictate our tomorrows?

Go ahead, get on the interstate and try to drive while staring in the rear view mirror. You'll get to know the Ford F150 in front of you a whole lot better than you wanted to. Make sure you video it because it could make you a youtube star. Okay, don't actually do that, I'm assuming you know that was a joke but just in case. DO NOT VIDEO YOURSELF ON THE INTERSTATE DRIVING WHILE STARING INTO THE REAR VIEW MIRROR. And now the lawyers are happy, let's move on.

The problem with staring at the past is you usually collide with where you are supposed to be going. God has great plans for you and none of it involves where you've been. God's interested in your todays and tomorrows not your yesterdays.

Stop looking at your life and judging your future based on mistakes you've made. He can forgive, cover, and redesign your destiny.

God’s ways are higher than our ways.
Humans: if I can see it then I’ll believe it.
God’s: If you can believe it, then you can see it.

The key to all of this is belief and a total release of your will to His. If you want to live in God's plan toss out your sketch of tomorrow and let Him draw it. I promise it will be a masterpiece.

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