Sep 15, 2009

I'm a big fat lazy bum

The very word structure scares us. Why do you think that the Express corporation changed the name of their Structure Store to Express For Men? The change probably had nothing to do with those sweet multi-colored sweater vests.

We don’t even like to think of the word structure because we think of long tedious hours pouring over the arduous task of actually organizing our business or ministry. Isn’t it funny how the vast majority of organizations are not organized at all. Most of this is due to the fact that we don’t like to plan things out like we should.

Someone said, “plan your work and then work your plan.” That’s a ton easier said than done. It’s much less complicated to move our business or organization ahead one day at a time and take things as they come than go through all the rigors of goal setting and organization. The problem with this mode of leadership is that we inevitably run in crisis mode the majority of the time, frantically hopping from one explosion to the next.

The number one problem that I often encounter on the road is this, “Well, Jeremy, I’m just not an organized person.” If that is your mantra, then say this out-loud, “I’m not organized, I’m just lazy.” We organize our outfits each day, although some of us could use some help in the color department...


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